Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My boy, Hiro :)

Holy moly, things have been a whirlwind. I didn't put a whole lot of effort into making new blogs recently since I had so much time to wait for puppy to come...

but low and behold, the day snuck up on me! My pup is sleeping on my pillow next to me as I type this. His name is Hiro. And he is an amazing little friend so far :) this is my second night with him here, and boy do I have many little stories already. Unfortunately, I am not sure if I can recall all of them in the detail I would have preferred for this blog, he's kept me quite busy! I am only able to be on my laptop right now cause he managed to make a throne out of my pillow and dozed off. The same one Blake always snatches when he gets a chance... My boys just love to take my pillow I guess haha. Anywho...I'll do my very best to recap what went on yesterday and today starting with:

The Ride Home!
The family we got him from lives out in Port Orchard so it takes us about 30-35 minutes to get there with moderate traffic. The whole time I was so excited and nervous. I literally got an hour of sleep from the night before, I was up all night cleaning and fussing about whether or not he'd like it here, if he'd be a royal terror and make me regret everything, if he would cry all night in his kennel, what would I name him, what would he want to do...all the things a fussy new "mommy" worries about. hahah

Anyway, the ride went SO incredibly smoothly, it blew my mind. Luckily, Blake agreed to drive since he was still awake enough to. At first I was struggling to hold him in place, he (to my knowledge) had never been in a car or away from home so everything was so bright and new. He was sniffing and eager, ALWAYS so eager to give kisses. He scratched up my chest and collarbone real good climbing to my face to kiss my chin. :) After a while of fussing and unsettled wandering, Blake suggested putting on the Amelie soundtrack so it would sound a little more soothing than the hip hop we were currently playing hahah. I couldn't find the cd so we settled for the classical station instead. With the AC blowing and the strings and pianos playing softly, little Hiro calmed down and fell asleep. He was so tired from playing at his old home earlier he was asleep almost the whole way home.

.................eeep. He just woke up. And here I was ready to share so many more pictures and stories. For now I'll have to settle with the quickly interrupted style of blogging. Hiro has wandered over to cuddle and kiss and play hahah <3

more soon!

If Hiro allows it...;)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

playing catch up

boy it's been a long week. Working lots, and spending some time with family. I'll try my best to recap what went on. Each day I meant to update on this thing, but I was always too tired or just didn't feel like it. haha. Oh well. Here it goes:

My kid sister, Jenne, came to visit over the weekend to celebrate my dad's 57th birthday. I spent the 24th, which is my dad's actual birth date, enjoying the company of my sisters. We went to the mall, cruised around, ran some errands which lead us to Costco to pick up our contact lenses. While doing so, my older sister, Ethelyn, made a hypnotizing discovery.

Apparently, Costco is THE place to be to enjoy Matthew Bellamy and Muse on at least 12 screens in HD. She was quite pleased. Mesmerized, even.

After enjoying the sun and finishing our errands we rented an awful movie, which I won't even dignify with an explanation. And Jenne made us a delicious meal. :)

Pasta dinners and funny/terrible/juicy movies are a great way to spend time with my goofy sisters.

The following day we went to lunch at Bainbridge Island Thai, just me, my two sisters and mom and dad. Shortly after we enjoyed a sunny afternoon at Fay Bainbridge park, where dad wanted to "sleep by the water"

We thought he meant by the beach, but it was too hot and a little crowded. But dad's a man of simple pleasures. He made it work.

:) Family. What a nice time.

More later,
currently I am enjoying a calm evening in loafing around with Blake. :)

life is good.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

explosions in the sky

Not referring to the band, but they are good as well. :)

tonight Blake and I spent the evening watching comedy shows, various sports knockouts and prison/gangland stories on the television at his grandmother's house. We were pet sitting for her while she is on vacation, perhaps to a Basque festival if I remember correctly.

I love walking around her house and seeing all the Basque pictures, books and cultural items on the walls and sitting around. It makes me smile and feel quite at home for some reason. I'm not Basque, of course. I just enjoy the feeling of someone else's home...? Does that make sense? In either case...It was nice.

After a quiet evening in, we drove back from Bremerton around 10:00 pm and happened upon the fireworks show that was on display in downtown Silverdale. Blake took the exit just before our usual exit to get home, just so I could see the fireworks show while we drove. It was so beautiful. He held my hand while we drove and I got to watch the finale while we were sitting at a red light right next to the Whaling Days fireworks area.

Watching fireworks with my Blake is by far one of my favorite little things I've experienced in life so far.

We don't get the opportunity often, but when we do it leaves me feeling floaty and this :}

He is currently getting ready to leave for work, so I suppose I will kiss him goodnight and continue to occupy myself with updating my blog after he is off.


Intro Part II: my recent explorations

A little update regarding my day to day. As of late, the only things occupying my time have involved the television set, a various video game system and the gym. Said activities have also often involved

the boyfriend:


and the roommate:


*I do not possess a recent photograph of said roommate, but I felt this little fella' bore a striking resemblance.

What I have discovered thus far living with these charming young men:

1. food does not stand a chance.

After having lived with Blake for nearly a year now, I still haven't established a consistent grocery shopping habit. When I lived with my family a gallon of milk could last my mother, father, grandfather, myself and my two sisters for at least a week. A gallon of milk here lasts for what feels like 2 hours. Perhaps that's a slight exaggeration, but gosh my boyfriend sure loves his milk. I also tend to prolong the shelf life of foods past what these guys would ever deem appropriate, and I am finding that it is not often possible to do so. They find my stashes and tease me for how long the food has been sitting there. D: More on this soon. I will never tire of the subject of food. And learning to grocery shop for big white men having grown up with small Asian women is proving to be quite the endeavor.

2. The floor is just a giant table.

Apparently it is also a giant bed. I have taken to leaving pillows and various blankets in the living room in case they do fall asleep on the floor. Sometimes it seems they prefer it to their own beds. Regardless, it is a flat surface of which any and all objects belong on it. Shoes, laundry, books, bottles, plates and whatever else may land there. I have just taken to tidying according to my comfort level and leaving whatever else they use often in its place.

3. playing Fallout never gets old.

The replay value on the game is just incredible. Really.

I will ponder further on my various discoveries. Living with boys after basically being raised solely by my very feminine and over protective mother and sharing rooms with 2 girly sisters is quite strange but enjoyable in its own rites.

And soon I will be adding another handsome fella to my life...Shiba pup, Jasper! (the family I am buying him from calls him Jasper, but I will likely be renaming him...for now I'll refer to him by that name in this blog)... And he's going to be such a handful! I can't wait :) more on this soon.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Intro: Part I - a feeble attempt at tackling my bloglife

Today I am making an attempt to record my thoughts via blog. It's been quite some time since I've done this, but since my dear Blake is sleeping, I figured I could take this opportunity to try. The silly part is, I created this blog weeks and weeks ago, and never made a single post. Soon, that will all change. I know, I know, I said that last time.

But this time will be different. When I first started this blog, I had no real idea what I would talk about. I didn't feel it would be all that interesting to record my daily musings...I spend most of my time working in a casino, finding my next meal, sleeping and/or spending time with my boyfriend. Our entertainment usually falls within the categories of:

Video games
Movies and/or Television series

and...well, really that's it. I feel quite bland making it so cut and dry like that, but I am just being honest! So why will it be different this time around? What could I possibly have so much to talk about that I haven't already basically laid out for you in the past few paragraphs?

Well, I am about to be blessed with a little bundle of love, joy and frustration.

No, no, I am not pregnant. Heavens no.

I am buying a puppy.

