Saturday, July 24, 2010

Intro Part II: my recent explorations

A little update regarding my day to day. As of late, the only things occupying my time have involved the television set, a various video game system and the gym. Said activities have also often involved

the boyfriend:


and the roommate:


*I do not possess a recent photograph of said roommate, but I felt this little fella' bore a striking resemblance.

What I have discovered thus far living with these charming young men:

1. food does not stand a chance.

After having lived with Blake for nearly a year now, I still haven't established a consistent grocery shopping habit. When I lived with my family a gallon of milk could last my mother, father, grandfather, myself and my two sisters for at least a week. A gallon of milk here lasts for what feels like 2 hours. Perhaps that's a slight exaggeration, but gosh my boyfriend sure loves his milk. I also tend to prolong the shelf life of foods past what these guys would ever deem appropriate, and I am finding that it is not often possible to do so. They find my stashes and tease me for how long the food has been sitting there. D: More on this soon. I will never tire of the subject of food. And learning to grocery shop for big white men having grown up with small Asian women is proving to be quite the endeavor.

2. The floor is just a giant table.

Apparently it is also a giant bed. I have taken to leaving pillows and various blankets in the living room in case they do fall asleep on the floor. Sometimes it seems they prefer it to their own beds. Regardless, it is a flat surface of which any and all objects belong on it. Shoes, laundry, books, bottles, plates and whatever else may land there. I have just taken to tidying according to my comfort level and leaving whatever else they use often in its place.

3. playing Fallout never gets old.

The replay value on the game is just incredible. Really.

I will ponder further on my various discoveries. Living with boys after basically being raised solely by my very feminine and over protective mother and sharing rooms with 2 girly sisters is quite strange but enjoyable in its own rites.

And soon I will be adding another handsome fella to my life...Shiba pup, Jasper! (the family I am buying him from calls him Jasper, but I will likely be renaming him...for now I'll refer to him by that name in this blog)... And he's going to be such a handful! I can't wait :) more on this soon.



  1. Fallout is the best. Wish I could play it more, or even progress on my file -_-

    Also, panda picture is cute.

  2. I just got done blowing some super mutants in half using Lincolns Repeater. What a freaking amazing game. Pretty funny that we're both playing it even after all this time! You've got good taste lady!

  3. Hahah Blake made me a file once and I just couldn't get anywhere. It feels too much like FPS and I just can't get over it :( Honestly I spend much of my time just watching the boys play it or playing a videogame next to them while they play. There's always something different happening on the screen, it's incredible!
